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"Assist-to-Buy" Program -

...When you are in the market for a computer

Our goal is to provide each one of our customers with the assistance, knowledge, and high quality technical support needed to make a decision when you are ready to purchase your new computer.  This is one of the reasons we are in business.

Why drive over an hour to purchase your computer elsewhere? When you can have local, personal, and reliable support right here in town.   We will sit with you and ask you usage specific questions regarding your goals for this piece of technology/equipment. Then we go to work to find the perfect computer match for you! Within 48 hours we will provide you with a quote that will include several choices, different brand names - if available, and slightly different options for you to review and decide which ones will suit your needs best.

Once the computer comes in we will unpack it, verify the set up, install Windows, verify the network (hardwire and wireless - if included), turn on virus protection (you will need to purchase your choice of a virus protection tool - we'll assist if needed), give you a short tour of your new system, and confirm that it's ready to be used when you get home!

Assist-To-Buy is the perfect way to guarantee that you won't spend more money than you should AND that you'll get a computer that will fit your lifestyle usage. This is an integral part of the purchase program we offer our clients and it is included in the total cost of your purchase along with our time spent during the research and set-up phase of the purchase process.  If you change your mind and decide not to purchase at this time, then there is only a minimal handling fee to cover our time during this phase.

If you would rather purchase your PC or Laptop yourself, and would like to consult with us prior to it, then you can pay for the Assist-TO-Buy program at the time of the visit. The charge is only $50.00 and when you leave our store you'll have a plan detailing what equipment you need to purchase based on your needs.  

Come visit us - we'll be happy to chat with you.  For more information feel free to Contact Us.

Hours of Operation

2008 Essential Communications, Inc. / updated: 06/10/2008 22:42